Printing Your Document

You can use a variety of tools to adjust how your document appears on paper.

To learn about Go to
General information about printing Printing Generally
Adjusting the space between text and the edges of a page Setting Page Margins
Adjusting text appearance when you print Hyphenation and Justification
Adding a cover page Including the Document Title on a Cover Page
Adding a table of contents Including a Table of Contents
Including a legend after the last provision Including a Legend
Including comments Including Comments
Including line numbers Including Line Numbers
Adding text to the top and bottom of each page Using Headers and Footers

When you print your document, Turner replaces consecutive spaces with a single space, divides your document into pages, and does other typesetting tasks. See Typesetting In Turner to learn more.

Printing Generally

Before you print, you can set paper size and orientation, choose a range of pages to print, and more. To learn about printing generally, search for “Print documents” in Mac Help.

Setting Page Margins

You can adjust page margins (the amount of space between the content of your document and the edges of paper).

To change page margins:
  1. Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Print & Export button at the top of the inspector window, and then click Print & Export.

  2. Enter values in the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom fields.

If your document will be printed double-sided and bound, you may want to set page margins that account for which side of the page will go into the binding (the inside margin) and which will be loose (the outside margin). For example, you may want the inside margin to be wider than the outside margin to make room for the binding.

To set inside and outside margins:
  1. Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Print & Export button at the top of the inspector window, and then click Print & Export.

  2. Select Facing Pages.

  3. Enter values in the Inside and Outside fields.

Hyphenation and Justification

When you print your document, you can hyphenate words at the ends of lines of text. You can also justify text (align text to the left and right margins).

To hyphenate text when you print:
  1. Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Print & Export button at the top of the inspector window, and then click Print & Export.

  2. Select “Hyphenate words over line breaks”.

To justify text when you print:
  1. Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Print & Export button at the top of the inspector window, and then click Print & Export.

  2. Select “Justify text”.

Including the Document Title on a Cover Page

When you print your document, you can include the document title either at the top of the first page of your document or on a cover page. To learn about working with the document title, see Working with the Document Title.

To include the document title on a cover page when you print, select the “Include document title on cover page” checkbox in the Print & Export pane of the Print & Export inspector. To include the document title at the top of the first page of your document, deselect this checkbox.

Including a Table of Contents

When you print your document, you can include a table of contents. In Turner, a table of contents shows provision numbers and titles on the left, and page numbers on the right. To learn more about provision numbers, see Numbering Provisions; to learn more about provision titles, see Adding Titles to Provisions.

To include a table of contents in your document when you print, select the “Table of Contents” checkbox in the Print & Export pane of the Print & Export inspector.

To modify the table of contents:
  1. Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Print & Export button at the top of the inspector window, and then click Print & Export.

  2. Use the “Table of Contents” controls.

    • Include list of ancillaries: Select this checkbox to list ancillaries after the table of contents. To learn about ancillaries, see Working with Ancillaries.

    • Include defined terms index: Select this checkbox to include an index of defined terms after the table of contents. To learn about defined terms, see Working with Defined Terms.

Including a Legend

When you print your document, you can include a legend (for example, Signature pages follow or Remainder of page intentionally left blank) after the last provision.

To include a legend after the last provision, select the “Include legend after last provision” checkbox in the Print & Export pane of the Print & Export inspector. You can choose a legend by clicking the arrow to the right of the “Include legend after last provision” text field, and then selecting a legend from the drop-down list. If none of the listed legends are suitable, you can type your own in the text field.

Including Comments

You can choose whether to include comments when you print your document.

To include comments:
  1. Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Print & Export button at the top of the inspector window, and then click Print & Export.

  2. Select “Include comments”.

To print without comments, deselect “Include comments”.

See Using Comments to learn more about comments.

Including Line Numbers

When you print your document, you can include line numbers in the left margin.

To print your document with line numbers:
  1. Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Print & Export button at the top of the inspector window, and then click Print & Export.

  2. Select “Include line numbers”.

Using Headers and Footers

You can make the same text appear at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of each page of your document when you print it.

To add text to the header and footer of your document:
  1. Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Print & Export button at the top of the inspector window, and then click Header & Footer.

  2. Use the controls in the Header & Footer pane of the Print & Export inspector to edit headers and footers.

    • Header: In the Header field, enter the text that you want to appear in the header.

    • Footer: In the Footer field, enter the text that you want to appear in the footer.

    • Signature Pages Footer: In Turner, signature blocks appear on signature pages; see Working with Signature Blocks to learn about signature blocks.

      In the Signature Pages Footer field, enter the text that you want to appear in the footer of the signature pages. If you want to number signature pages separate from the rest of your document, select “Restart page numbers”. If you want signature page numbers to include a total (for example, 1 of 10), select “Show total signature pages”.